Chin Augmentation Can Be Done Perfectly Through A Few Easy Steps
What Is Chin Augmentation?
Chin augmentation is a kind of surgery which will help in shaping your chin correctly so that it looks good on your face. Here the word augmentation means to enlarge the size of the chin through plastic surgery. This process can be done either through implants or by removing and shaping the jaw bones.
What Is The Process?
If anyone has a dislocated chin, it looks odd on their face. To fix the issue, chin augmentation surgeries are available, and the patient needs to be admitted to the hospital. Before the surgery, the hospital will run a few tests to see whether the patient’s body can withstand it. Most importantly, X-rays will be done to see the position of the chin and how it can be placed properly.
How Is The Surgery Done?
The whole process will be done through general anaesthesia as a slit will be done on the chin to place the implant or silicon plates to get the proper shape or else they will go for removing a few bones, muscles or tissues. If the jaw bone is removed, then they must be wired in a place with a metal plate. The cut was closed with stitches, and bandages were applied. Initially, the patients have these questions: Can I chew food with chin augmentation? (เสริมคางเคี้ยวอาหารได้ไหม, which is the term in Thai).
The answer to this question is that after the surgery, for a few days, the patients will feel a bit uneasy while sleeping or chewing food, but by maintaining proper medications, this discomfort will wear off.
The patient needs to go for follow-ups weekly.
What Risks Do The Patients Encounter?
Swelling and bruises are the common factors initially, but if they persist and remain for an extended period of time or if the patient can feel the dislocation of their implant, then it is a matter of concern. It’s best to consult the physician as early as possible.
For three months, your chin must be numb, and you must not do the activities forcibly. Everything can be done with the help of a doctor’s guidance. For four to six weeks, the patients need to wear braces while eating or talking with someone. All the above processes can be done smoothly if the patients opt for the best consultation for best surgery.